3PL Matching Service

Get Matched with Warehousing & Fulfillment Partners

How We Work

  • 1

    Deep dive into your brand

    — We will compile data to understand your future growth plans, current & future product assortment, order characteristics, and channel strategies

    — We’ll conduct a survey with your team to determine fulfillment & shipping SLA requirements, packout/kitting/special projects needs, and technology requirements

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    Provider Sourcing & RFP Kickoff

    — Using the data collected in the deep dive, we will work with your team to create a short-list of providers to reach out to

    — We create a data packet that will be distributed to potential fulfillment/shipping providers which contains all the information and data needed for a 3PL to understand your brand and services required so that they can return a proposal

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    Apples-to-Apples Comparison of Proposals

    Cost - Different providers often deliver pricing under different rates structures that can make it difficult to understand all-in costs. Using your order data and forecast, we build a custom, detailed model used to provide an apples-to-apples cost comparison of all 3PL options. If you are currently using a 3PL, we will also incorporate your current costs so that your team has visibility into the potential financial impact of switching providers. Detailed zone analyses are also included in the model and used to compare different scenarios resulting impact to shipping costs

    Service - We communicate the differences in service levels across providers and will make recommendations for the right fit

    Team - We’ll setup interviews, demos, and warehouse tours with your team to make sure that providers are aligned to the needs and goals of your company